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The sides of my nose have kind of collapsed and the cartilage seems to be damaged.

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 22 January 2011


I was wondering if it's possible to fix my nose. I have done some damage over the last 10 years through cocaine use. The sides of my nose have kind of collapsed and the cartilage seems to be damaged. This also makes the tip of my nose stick out so I look like a bit of a pinnochio nose! I'd say it needs surgery to correct, so I was just wondering is there much that can be done to help? I would be interested in a consultation.

Thanks and Best Rgds



The first thing that you must clarify for yourself is that you have stopped this habit, as it will continue to damage the structures of the nose as well as the lining, making it irrepairable in the long term.

With regards to the reconstructive process, it would involve using rib cartilage graft to create a structural support framework, involving both the bridge of the nose and sometimes the nostrils and tip.

The fundamental damage that has taken place is related to the nasal septum which tends to be severely damaged due to the vasoconstrictor effect of cocaine, and in association there can be damage to the lining of the nose.

The type of damage that occurs to the nasal septum frequently involves a septal perforation, which is often associated with crusting and sometimes bleeding, but does not always require repair, which can be very challenging to achieve.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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