Wrinkle treatmentWrinkle relaxing injections

Wrinkle relaxing injections is a remarkably safe therapeutic agent for wrinkles.

Facial expression is an essential part of communication but unfortunately is prone to the influences of misinterpretation and ageing.

It is very common for people to frown when concentrating, which becomes a habit and sends the wrong messages.

Learn more about wrinkle treatment aesthetics

Some patients suffering with neurological conditions, difficulty in swallowing, or under certain long-term medications are not suitable for treatment with wrinkle relaxing injections.

Women that are pregnant or trying for a baby should also avoid the treatment.

Learn more about wrinkle treatment consultation

The treatment with wrinkle relaxing injections is targeted for the points where muscle relaxation is desirable, and will involve a variable number of small injections.

The level of discomfort associated with the treatment is low, but it is also possible to control it even more by applying local anaesthetic cream to the treatment area as 30 minutes prior to the intervention.

Learn more about the wrinkle treatment procedure

Wrinkle relaxing injections take 5 to 10 days to establish their treatment levels, at which point it is possible to evaluate whether a small adjustment treatment may still be necessary to achieve optimum results.

It is important to appreciate that the effort to completely freeze a group of muscles will often lead to bizarre facial expressions, and it is better to weaken muscles instead.

Learn more about wrinkle treatment recovery

Although botulinum toxin is an extremely effective product, in the quantities used for cosmetic applications it has proven to have an impressive safety profile.

Patients with neurological conditions that weaken the muscle strength should not have wrinkle relaxing injections.

Learn more about risks and complications
of wrinkle treatment

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