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What methods you use for tip skin augmentation?

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 04 February 2011


What methods you use for tip skin augmentation like suture, some techniques and strut grafts etc as I am needing tip and bridge augmentation. I mean revision, due to scoop nose and floopy tip, due to much reduction, I have medium thick skin.

Also I had medium chin implant which was taken out and did not suited me which was placed intraorally. Now the lower lip shape look bit weird drawn backwards and chin area look bit loose can something can be done to make stich area tighter, mentalis muscles or improve the shape of chin and is hip bone also a good source for bridge augmentation.

Also I think straight noses with slight hook looks more elegant. Is it possible?


From your description, I agree that strong support the bridge and tip of the nose would be necessary to achieve a stable rebuild.

My preference however goes to words rib cartilage, since it tends to become elastic and time, whereas bone remains rigid.

It is possible to use computer simulation to understand with greater clarity what it is you would like to achieve, and how much graft material is likely to be needed in order to provide sufficient support.

With regards to the chin, I believe that mentalis muscle resuspension is likely to be sufficient.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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