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I'm a 26 year old man with a very youthful looking face, however I have excess fat in my lower cheeks.

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 13 January 2014


I'm a 26 year old man with a very youthful looking face, I often pass for 18 which is good. However I have excess fat in my lower cheeks which destroys all definition and confidence.

I'm not bad looking but this is a big issue for me, my mother has a lovely facial structure but my father (who is 60) still has these joules which I know I will inherit.

Would it be possible to send you a picture to see what your opinion is or even book a consultation?


For this type of facial contouring, it is beneficial to have a consultation using 3-D imaging and simulation. It allows you to appreciate the areas that would be changed through liposuction and the impact of buccal fat reduction, both of which are techniques that can be used to help the definition in the lower face.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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