Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Is it possible to have the tops of the ear pinned back?

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 20 June 2012


I am interested in the otoplasty procedure and would like to know whether it is possible to be able to have just the tops of the ear pinned back?

I do not have what you would call very protruding ears but I am not comfortable with them and have been wanting surgery ever since a young age.


It is possible to selectively reduce the projection of the upper part of the ears, but it would be important to appreciate to what extent you want them to come closer to the head.

Surgery will not be able to place them flat against the head, and in fairness this would probably not be an aesthetically pleasing result anyway.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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