Long term considerations

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, patients should be aware of the long-term concerns with breast implants. Cancer screening is still possible but often requires alternative arrangements to be made where a woman has had breast augmentation.

Other issues to discuss include the possible impact of breast implants for breastfeeding and the need for removal of the implants after a period of time and replacement to ensure safety.

Breast implants and cancer

Mammograms are still possible after breast augmentation surgery but, as implants may prove obstructive, ultrasound may be the preferred option during breast cancer screening.

Self-examination remains possible to monitor for breast cancer and some radiologists find that with sub-pectoral placement of breast implants cancer screening is largely unproblematic and is a good option for those with a family history of breast cancer.


After breast augmentation breastfeeding remains viable but there is a risk that it can be particularly uncomfortable, or simply impractical in some cases.

Unlike in breast reduction surgery the milk ducts in the breast are not removed when getting breast implants but these ducts can, nonetheless, be damaged during surgery.

Mastitis is also a risk during breastfeeding and this can be very problematic for those with breast implants and requires urgent attention.

Women considering breast augmentation to be very important may wish to delay surgery until they feel that their family is complete to avoid any risks of breast implants interfering with breastfeeding.

Implant replacement

There is no standard time-frame after which breast implants require removal and replacement but breast implant removal may be needed more quickly in those who develop capsular contracture, breast implant rupture or leakage, or other complication.

Removal of the implants usually results in little pain unless scar tissue is also removed. Many women find that their implants remain intact for many years after augmentation and only seek breast implant removal to change their size, shape, or feel as they age.

When women choose to have breast implant removal in particular after the implants have been in for a long period of time, or after pregnancies, a breast lift procedure may also be necessary to restore a youthful appearance to the breasts and to address the asymmetries and projection of the breast.

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