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Before deciding the treatment with dermal fillers, a number of general health aspects need to be clarified. A particular tendency to bruising, medication that thins the blood, like aspirin, warfarin or clopidogrel may also lead to significantly more bruising and swelling and needs to be known in advance.
The risk or allergic reactions with current dermal fillers is very low and they do not require preliminary allergy testing. In the case of hyaluronic acid based fillers, allergic reactions are typically treated by breaking down the filler with hyaluronidase, which then allows for the allergy to settle down.
Redness, swelling and bruising at the point of injection are possible with all types of fillers, and most frequently are limited to one or two days after the treatment. More prolonged redness or swelling is possible and will been to be brought to the attention of your doctor promptly.
The risk of infection is present whenever using injectable treatments and is a consideration also with fillers. Typically, the treatment does not require an antibiotic cover, but if you have any suspicion of an infection, you need to discuss your concerns promptly with your doctor.
A degree of asymmetry is inevitable in relation to the appearance of the face and body and cannot fully be reversed by aesthetic treatments, both surgical and non surgical. The same is true for injectable fillers, even though it is possible to improve on the symmetry. Specifically the symmetry of the mouth is never perfect, and it is important to consider the general aesthetic elements of the lips in priority to accurate symmetry as this would be advantageous in the long term.
Aesthetic imbalance is a common consideration of injectable filler treatments these days, probably due to the difficulty in deciding where to stop. We always advice that a more conservative approach is typically higher impact, because when the results of the treatment are very noticeable, they typically draw the wrong type of attention.
Pain at the injection site is usually limited, and the treatment can be carried out either using local anaesthetic cream, local anaesthetic injections or no anaesthetic depending on individual preferences.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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