Skin care

The individual appearance of the skin has a powerful effect on the end result of face lift surgery and careful analysis of the skin is undertaken in order to effectively target treatments.

Accumulated smoking and sun damage also affect the decisions made regarding face lift surgery and it may be that associated treatments for skin care maintenance are advised, such as Obagi Nu-Derm® Protocols, HydraFacial™ skin management, skin peels, or fractionated laser treatments to accentuate the rejuvenation effects of a face lift.

Skin appearance

Individualised skin analysis tools have become a powerful way of targeting treatments for each patient in order to optimise face lift results.

Analysis of the capillaries, brown spots, and other skin features can be carried out in the practice during pre-surgical consultation so as to help provide a complete rejuvenation and beautification package tailored to every patient’s needs.

Smoking & sun damage

The damaged caused by ultraviolet radiation, as well as dehydration, associated with sun exposure can reduce skin quality and increase the impression of ageing.

Smoking has similarly damaging effects as well as negatively impacting collagen synthesis and thus lessening skin elasticity.

Analysis of the contribution of these factors to the appearance of the skin will also be carried out prior to a face lift with guidance given on skin care in order to maximise the benefits of the procedure.

Obagi Nu-Derm® Protocols

Sun exposure and the free radical damage it causes can be directly addressed through the use of Obagi Nu-Derm® Protocols. This is an individualised system of skin rejuvenation that targets the oxidative damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Application of this system can profoundly affect the longevity of face lift surgery to offer powerful results over a longer period of time.

Learn more about Obagi Nu-Derm® System

HydraFacial™ skin management

Regular, maintenance treatments comprising HydraFacial™ skin management techniques can help restore radiance to the skin of the neck and face and accentuate the benefits of face lift surgery.

Such supplementary procedures may help extend the positive effects of a face lift and offer patients a way of getting more out of their surgery in pursuit of beautification and rejuvenation.

Learn more about HydraFacial™ treatment

Skin peels and fractionated laser treatment

Advanced sun damage to the facial and neck skin requires more significant intervention than a facelift can provide. This type of concern, can however be addressed by non-surgical techniques like chemical peels of fractionate laser treatments, which target rejuvenation of the skin.

Learn more about Fraxel® treatment

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