Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

I had breast augmentation 15 years ago, my intention is to remove the implants.

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 16 January 2012


I'm writing to you prior to a consultation to give you an overview of my situation so that you may advise me on your approach.

I had breast augmentation approximately 15 years ago, silicon with saline solution inside.

My intention is to remove them as soon as possible, however, last December I was diagnosed with breast cancer in one breast (the right one), grade 2.

I have three questions/scenarios I would appreciate comment on:

  • Do you perform re-structuring plastic surgery following a NHS mastectomy?
  • Can you perform both the mastectomy and re-structuring surgery?
  • I am undergoing non-invasive alternative treatment (not chemo-therapy or radiotherapy), if this continues to be successful can you remove the implants during this treatment process?


The reconstructive breast surgery work can be carried out at the time of the mastectomy. The typical approach is for a general surgeon with a specialist interest in breast surgery to carry out the mastectomy, and for a plastic surgeon with a specialist interest in breast reconstruction to carry out the reconstruction.

The process can take place in the same way in the NHS or in the private sector.

Since breast reconstruction is not my area of specialist interest, I would suggest that you contact another surgeon/group of surgeons for this purpose.

In central London, there are breast surgery groups of oncological and reconstructive surgeons in the Royal Marsden Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital, Royal Free Hospital, St Georges Hospital, the Royal London Hospital.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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