Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I would like a rhinoplasty, breast augmentation with lift procedure and liposuction of the chin and maybe neck.
How soon after giving birth can I consider rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and vaserlipo?
What do you recommend for breast enlargement implants or fat transfer?
I am interested in having fat transfer to my breasts.
I had a breast reduction in 2006 and since that time I have had children and my breasts are now less of a shape than they should.
How soon can I have breast augmentation revision?
Does the breast have to be a certain size to allow for fat transfer?
I would like to know what are my best options for breast enlargement, skin peel and secondary rhinoplasty?
Is it possible to change the breast implant without surgery?
Does your capsulectomy and exchange of implants include a choice of teardrop implants?
I am booked to have extra high profile implants.
Can I have breast enlargement if I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome?
I wish to have rhinoplasty with 3d imaging and breast enlargement surgery.
I would like to have my implants replaced as they are old and have dropped through breast feeding.
How much does it cost on average to have breast enlargement?
I would like to go to an F but am slightly worried as I am petite build size 8, is this possible?
How long does it take for dissolvable stitches to go?
I am planing on doing a face lift, liposuction and breast implants.
I would like to have breast augmentation but will be starting a family in the next 5 years or so.
How much a revision rhinoplasty and breast enlargement would be?
I had breast augmentation 15 years ago, my intention is to remove the implants.
How much does a breast uplift cost?
How many hours does the breast augmentation surgery takes and what kind of implants do you use?
Ultrasound scan has revealed 50ml seroma in one of the breasts.
I wanted to know the price for breast augmentation and if you do vaginal tightening.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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