Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Asked on 15 September 2013
How soon after giving birth can I consider rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and vaserlipo?
With regards to cosmetic interventions, an important consideration is to have stopped breastfeeding. This is primarily related to avoiding any medications being transferred to the baby.
In particular in relation to breast augmentation it is necessary for the breast volume to have returned to a stable situation, and this also depends on breastfeeding but will take sometime anyway after the pregnancy to become settled. I generally recommend a minimum of six months following breastfeeding or following childbirth if you do not breastfeed.
The point regarding liposuction very much needs to take into consideration whether you have been able to lose the pregnancy related weight excess and indeed whether you are considering further pregnancies at a relatively short interval.
It would be valuable to have a consultation to try and evaluate all these aspects more accurately in order to give you targeted guidance.
Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street
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