Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Asked on 26 July 2013
I am interested in having a chin implant, however my sister had one 18 months ago and although her profile looks incredible, the implant has pushed up her lower lip so her smile is nowhere near as pretty as it used to be. Online reviews tell me that this is not a one off problem. Can this effect on the lower lip be avoided?
She has also lost that feminine point to her chin, it is now quite square. Is there a way to avoid this?
I've read that in the states, implants are often custom shaped to what the person needs, especially for women to avoid that masculine jaw. Is that ever done here?
I would typically start with the consultation using 3-D imaging and simulation to understand better what it is that you would like to achieve.
With regards to the chin implant shape, I always find it necessary to change some of the contours, as the original design cannot produce a natural result in the majority of patients. The natural shape of the chin bone is narrower than the implants, and also subject to considerable asymmetry. Some of the asymmetry can be improved through the contouring of the implant.
I have so far not used custom-made implants for the chin, since during surgery it is possible to conform the Medpor implants in a similar way.
In terms of changes for the lower lip position and movement, I have not seen it to be an issue, although I suspect that it can occur from the effort to avoid sagging of the chin point after surgery.
I have had a small number of patients with lower lip incompetence that specifically requested elevation of the lower lip together with chin implant and they have reported some improvement for their concerns. I would therefore imagine this could also happen if the lower lip is lifted strongly over the implant in someone who has good lip position and function and produce a change in the smile.
Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street
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