Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Is it possible to have my nose evened to make it balanced?
Is there anything you can do to restore balance to the face as the chin seems more prominent to the left?
I have a undefined neck to jaw problem. Instead of my skin being at 90 degrees is at 45 degrees and unflattering
What procedure could I go for what people call bum chin?
I am interested in a chin reduction. I have a large amount of fatty tissue located on my chin.
I have a tiny chin, I need help.
I have always hated my jawline, which is large and rather masculine in length.
I have been considering chin reduction surgery for a long time and wondered if you could give me an idea of first steps.
How are the jaw angle implants placed?
I am looking at having facial implant surgery to chin, cheeks and jaw line.
I am interested in chin implant I am wondering what are the next steps? Regards David
I have a very prominent and pointed chin which is evident when looking at my side profile.
I have either a weak chin, or jaw, what procedure will be best to correct my problem?
I am interested in chin implant and I am wondering if implants are custom shaped for me?
I was looking to get a septorhinoplasty and soft tissue chin reduction but wanted orthodontics.
Can you please send me some more information on chin reduction options?
My concern is that my chin and jaw seem to just blend into each other.
I have a really big chin, I am only 16 now but in the future is it possible to get it smaller through surgery?
Would Mr Ion be able to improve my chin neck area without a general anaesthesia?
I am looking at getting a square chin implant together with a premaxillary implant.
I am interested in nasal bump removal.
Can you tell me if you also fix an asymmetric chin?
Could you tell me what would it cost to have an open rhinoplasty and a chin implant in a combined procedure?
I have no definition between my chin and neck.
Would it be possible to have a consultation and the chin lift within the same day?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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