Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Asked on 13 December 2012
I am enquiring about having a rhinoplasty procedure performed and I have had recommendations of your work.
If it helps, I would like to give you an accurate idea of my requirements:
My consultations so far are unanimous in that to get my desired look I will require:
I will obviously require general anaesthetic but I will only require day care and not an overnight stay as I can stay locally and I have someone that will escort me home following the procedure.
Are you a specialist surgeon in rhinoplasty?
This is of the utmost importance to me that I have someone that I feel I can trust with my nose/face. I obviously understand that there may possibly be consultation fee’s involved, so I am trying to be more specific as to my requirements in the hope I could get a more accurate ball park cost and time figure before I commit more time and money in finding a surgeon that I will feel confident carrying out this procedure.
Please be assured that I do not expect to hold you to any amount quoted until I have actually sat down for a consultation with you, I am just trying to save time driving all the way down from Birmingham to find that we have different expectations as to the cost of the job.
I do not require finance and will obviously pay in full up front. This is a procedure that I have spent many years wanting to have carried out but time and resources have always got in the way.
I am getting married next year at the beginning of May 2013 so would like this work carried out as soon as possible.
It will also fit around my work schedule if performed within the next 7 weeks, ideally sooner rather than later.
For that type of procedures that you describe I would be looking at using computer imaging and simulation both on standard photographs and 3-D images, to be able to guide you regarding feasibility of the changes that you seek.
For guidance regarding prices for the more common aesthetic surgery procedures or combinations of procedures, please visit my website at
For procedures not listed there, kindly contact my practice either by telephone at 0207 486 7757 or by email at and my team will be delighted to assist you.
Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street
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