Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

I have undefined jaw, neck and mild jowls.

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 26 January 2013


I have undefined jaw, neck and mild jowls. I am unsure which procedure would help me, either lower/mid face lift, or chin implant with neck liposuction.

I already have a chin implant which I guess would need replacing. I can only have sedation not a full general.

Would any of the above be possible without general?


In general terms, my approach is to use computer imaging in 3-D to evaluate the type and degree of change that you would like to achieve. This forms the basis of decisions regarding the type of intervention.

In relation to the anaesthetic, neck contouring through liposuction or short scar facelifts as well as chin implant are possible under sedation and local anaesthetic, but in general terms it is also important to understand why a general anaesthetic is unsuitable as it will have significant implications in connection with the safety of the proposed surgery.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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