Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Kindly advice how can I book an appointment, I can also email photos of my nose before I come if that would help.
I am after a nose reduction. Please can provide an indication of cost?
I am a considering a nose job, however i am only 17, when will be the right time to have this done?
I wanted to know roughly how much it costs to have a nose reshaped?
Can you send me some information on cosmetic surgery on a bells palsy after 25 years?
I have a big problem with my profile and feel that you could be the surgeon to help me.
Do you have experience operating on people from a afro-caribbean background?
I am in need of revision rhinoplasty very unhappy with profile, enquiring cost of such surgery please?
The computer assisted analysis is fantastic. With this tool, I'd be interested in a free consultation for Rhinoplasty.
How do I go about getting surgery, and how much would it cost for you to perform Rhinoplasty on a 15 year old?
How much is the average rhinoplasty?
I would like to have revision rhinoplasty. In your personal opinion what surgery procedure would you use to correct this?
My friend had closed septo-rhinoplasty 5 days ago and the nose looks nothing like it used to, will his nose stay like this?
I feel that a smaller one would look better. What would you recommend is the best type of procedure?
I have had 3 nose jobs and my nose is still not right. Would I be able to have revision surgery at all?
When do you think is the right age to get a nose job?
Is it possible while having rhinoplasty to have the angle between the nose and the upper lip changed?
My nose looks different from different angles, I have a good side and a very bad side. Could this sort of problem be worked on?
What is the youngest age you can have a nose job?
I have a bent nose which bends to the right and is also too long for my face, which procedure would you use to fix this problem?
What are the possible side effects of rhinoplasty if you use your nose in intensive exercise?
Is it possible to perform a reduction rhinoplasty at the same time as malar (cheekbone) implants, with fat transfer?
I would like to have alar base reduction alone to narrow the width of my nostrils. How much would this procedure cost?
Can you reshape the ear in terms of its angle from the side?
After having a poor result from a first rhinoplasty I had augmentation rhinoplasty done by the same surgeon.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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