Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I had nose surgery 2 years ago but I dont like my nose shape.
I am in Glasgow Scotland, can you recommend a surgeon that has your vast experience in Scotland?
I am 33 year old woman who has a large hole in her nasal septum.
Do older surgeons tend to think its ok for a guy to have a 'drooping' tipped nose as long as its not on a girl?
I had a rhinoplasty operation 6/7 years ago but I still require further operation if possible.
I'm a black african female and I have the roundest, widest nose ever! Is surgery on african is as successful as european?
I've been seriously toying with the idea of Buccal Fat Removal but have felt too worried.
Thirty years ago a rhinoplasty took too much away. I cannot go through another disaster emotionally.
I'm 15 years old and I hate my nose. Am I too young for a consultation?
I had a rhinoplasty 10 months ago but have developed 2 nodes on either side of my nose.
I'm interested in jaw angle implants, can you give me a rough idea of the cost?
What are the chances of scarring on Afro Caribbean skin after Rhinoplasty?
I am considering a rhinoplasty coz my nose has been a challenge in my life.
I would like to know how much is a nose operation?
I am interested in the cost of nose reshaping surgery. Could you tell how much it will be?
I had a septorhinoplasty operation 2 months ago to correct a deviated septum and to remove the hump on the nasal bridge.
I have a upturned nose, can you tell me, how it can be corrected?
I'm really interested in a nose job however I'm only turning 17 in a couple of months.
Price and more information about nose job.
I would like to know if is it possible increase the nose projection and the dorsum size by using Costal cartilage.
How much would the surgery for nose reshaping usually cost?
I want to have a nose job but i have pacemaker(heart block) can surgery be done?
How old would you have to be to get a nose job? And does it make an actual difference in the results?
With nostril construction is the scarring very bad?
Would the scarring that seems to occur cause you any concern if you were to perform a third revision rhinoplasty?
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Questions? Just ask.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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