Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

What is Aesthetic Plastic Surgery?

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is the practice of consultant plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgeon Mr. Lucian Ion. Mr. Ion has admitting privileges at some of Central London's best-known private hospitals, including Cromwell Hospital, The Willington Hospital, St. Luke's and The Hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth.

We offer a practice team dedicated to providing all the support and information you need, and modern, private consulting facilities, with the option of computer simulation to help you better visualize and understand the likely outcome of your surgery.

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Who will I see when I visit the practice?

From your first visit, you will be seen by Mr. Ion himself. After filling in a registration form, the details of which will be securely filed, you'll spend approximately 45 minutes with Mr. Ion discussing the concerns you have about your appearance and the results you would like to achieve. He will explain the various options available to you, describe the outcomes he expects and discuss any possible complications or side effects.

During your consultation, Mr. Ion will take a full medical history and conduct a physical examination. He may also take photographs. A chaperone will be present during your physical examination if you choose.

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Is there anything I should bring to my consultation?

Many people find it useful to bring a list of written questions. That way you'll be sure you've asked everything you wish to. It may also be helpful to bring photographs of yourself at the time you were most satisfied with your appearance.

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What if I still have questions after my consultation?

After your consultation with Mr. Ion, we invite you to spend time with one of our team members to discuss your consultation and any questions you may have. You will also receive a letter from Mr. Ion summarizing what the two of you discussed during your consultation.

If you find you still have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us to book another appointment.

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When will I learn what my surgery will cost?

At the time of your initial consultation one of our team members will give an estimate of the cost of your chosen procedure. This estimate is subject to change depending on the hospital where you choose to have your surgery. The cost of your procedure will be a combination of your surgical fees, anaesthetist fee, hospital fee and the cost of any implants. For more information on the cost of surgery, please click on the Prices section of this web site.

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How should payment be arranged?

Payment of the surgical and anaesthetist fees and the cost of any implants is due ten days before you procedure date. Payment may be made by cheque made out to Mr. Lucian Ion or cash. You will receive an invoice from your hospital requesting payment approximately five days before your operation.

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What if I have to cancel my surgery?

If you need to cancel your procedure it is essential that you do so in writing. The practice incurs costs from the time of your original booking and the closer to your procedure you cancel the more difficult it is to offer this reserved space to another patients. Failure to inform us will incur an administration fee of £100.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757