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That will depend on what kind of surgery you've had, however everyone needs some time to recover from surgery and anesthesia. Please ask your team about which activities you should avoid and for how long.
As a general rule, you'll be advised to avoid exercise for the first two weeks after surgery. If you've had breast surgery, you'll be advised to avoid most exercise for three weeks and avoid swimming for at least four.
Once this period is over, you should be able to resume your normal activities gradually so that by six weeks following your surgery you should be back to your normal level of exercise. This does not mean, however, that your operation site is fully settled or that the final result is achieved. It simply means that normal exercise is not likely to cause any problems.
It is important to consider the level of medical care available in the place where you would like to convalesce. Please remember that it is possible to encounter small problems of bleeding or infection not only in the first few days after surgery but also in the first few weeks. So you will want to stay at a location where these rare but possible complications can be dealt with effectively. Our office will always try to guide you by telephone or e-mail regarding any problem, however it will be the local practitioners who will need to provide the actual care. It is important that they have knowledge of such problems and adequate resources to assist you.
Generally speaking, it takes approximately one month for the body to restore its normal clotting. During this time it is better to avoid flying.
There is not enough information to clearly define whether the same level of risk of deep vein thrombosis applies to shorter operations on the upper body as it would on procedures on the lower limbs. However, for maximum safety it is best to assume that for the first month the risk of clots forming in the deep veins is higher.
Therefore, it is better to avoid longer flights. When you do resume traveling, be careful to use compression stockings, do in-flight exercises and drink plenty of fluids. After the first two weeks following your surgery you may also use aspirin before a flight to thin the blood and reduce the risk of clots.
Please ask your surgeon or nurse. In most instances it is possible to wash gently, including washing over the operation site. However, some dressings should not be exposed to moisture, in which case you should try to wash around them with a wet sponge or cloth.
Bruising is an inevitable consequence of most surgical procedures. A mild product that can help clear the bruises more quickly is Arnica cream. A more effective alternative is LasonilĀ® ointment. You may use either straight after your surgery.
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