Fat transferRecovery period after fat transfer treatment
Recovering form fat transfer surgery is usually straightforward, as the surgical intervention is associated with limited discomfort or pain.
Bruising and swelling
Bruising and swelling at the treatment area is common and when the fat transfer is carried out for the face it will involve a period of 10 to 14 days for the social recovery.
Pain after the fat transfer surgery is variable, and is typically more at the donor site than where the fat has been transferred. Common pain killers are typically sufficient to control it.
You'll also be prescribed a course of antibiotics and if you feel that there is any suspicion of infection you should discuss it urgently with your surgeon.
The scars of the surgery tend to be small and discrete although on occasion they may have some visibility. This is however very rare and it is not usually necessary to treat the scars specifically.
Physical activity
Return to work after fat transfer surgery depends on the treatment zone and can be between 1 and 3 weeks. Return to exercise is typically also at 3 weeks after the treatment starting at lower level intensity and increasing such that by approximately 6 weeks normal physical activity is resumed.