Thigh lift Planning the surgery

At the time of the consultation for thigh lift, it is important to appreciate the general medical condition of the patient as a number of medical problems can affect the outcome of the surgery. In particular problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure need to be well controlled before embarking on this type of surgery.


Smoking can be particularly problematic after thigh lift intervention and needs to be stopped at least for 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after the operation to avoid a significant increase in the risk of infection, wound breakdown and skin necrosis.


Depending on the skin laxity that needs to be corrected, the design of the thigh lift surgery may involve a scar placed in the groin crease and just to the inner part of the gluteal fold or also a vertical component which runs along the inner aspect of the thigh down to the level of the knee.

Risks and recovery

The consultation also involves a discussion of the risks and recovery period associated with the operation.


It is also important to appreciate for patients that have lost a large amount of weight through bariatric surgery, what was the surgical intervention used, and what was the peak weight before the weight loss started.

The assessment involves evaluation of the distribution of the skin laxity which can be either just in the upper third of the inner thigh, or more extensive with a vertical and horizontal component.

call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757