Capturing in 3D Concepts of Beauty 3D Rhinoplasty 3D Facial Sculpting 3D Facial Rejuvenation 

Facial Sculpting in 3D

Restructuring the proportions of the face.
One of the most fascinating challenges
in aesthetic treatments.

But beauty IS in the eyes of the beholder, and there is a great deal that imaging and procedure planning in 3-D can do to pave the way for a successful outcome.

Assessment / proportions / asymmetry

Faces and bodies are fundamentally asymmetric, in all aspects.

Although the asymmetries are frequently small and easily overlooked, good understanding of them before surgery makes it a lot easier to incorporate subtle differences between the treatment plan on the two sides of the face, for a better end result.

The relationship between the strength of the cheekbone, the fullness of the cheek, the strength of the jawline and chin, contours of the neck, all contribute to create a certain emotional response.

Ultimately, the surgery aims to strike that cord, the shape change is just the vehicle.

Cheek volumes

Chubby cheeks make some people feel very self-conscious, and the most common demand is for buccal fat reduction, to correct this.

In 3D, it is easier to appreciate why the fullness occurs or is perceived, and whether liposuction, buccal fat reduction or a combination of procedures is necessary to create the contours that patients seek.

Facial Sculpting 3d Simulation Facial Sculpting 3d Simualtion

Learn more about Cheek augmentation

Jawline and chin

The contours of the jaw line, chin and neck are closely related when it comes to defining the strength, youthfulness or balance of the face. Although basic alterations can be visualised on standard photographs, 3-D makes is possible to design shape changes in depth, evaluate the amount of change to plan for appropriate reductions or enhancements, and brings clarity to the appearance from a variety of angles.

Facial Sculpting 3d Simulation Facial Sculpting 3d Simualtion

Learn more about Chin augmentation

Malar region

The height and projection of the cheekbones is always different, and for this reason people tend to feel that a better from one angle than the other.

Building up cheek volume can bring definition to the face or a more youthful appearance.

In 3D, it is also possible to measure the amount of change, plan the size of implants, direct volumes for enhancement, and establish how much of the asymmetry is worth correcting.

Facial Sculpting 3d Simulation Facial Sculpting 3d Simualtion

Learn more about Buccal Fat Pad


Although facial asymmetry is universal, and most people are not in the least affected by its presence, when the asymmetry is more pronounced, the face appears twisted or scoliotic, and can affect the body image making people self-conscious. Sometimes, more extensive changes are necessary to achieve balance and aesthetic improvement, sometimes subtle changes may be sufficient. In 3D, it is possible to evaluate this aspect and determine which changes are most relevant, to allow patients to choose a treatment plan that suits them best.

Facial Sculpting 3d Simulation Facial Sculpting 3d Simualtion

Learn more about Fat Transfer

3D Capture Technology

Breathtaking developments from Canfield Scientific bring new levels of accuracy and flexibility to 3D imaging and procedure planning. Learn more

Concepts of beauty

Even the most beautiful faces have significant asymmetries, but there are other aspects that we feel drawn towards and impressed by. Learn more