Arm lift Aesthetics
The aesthetic balance of the upper arms relates to their girth but also to the tension of the skin. More frequently after weight loss but also in association with the ageing process, the skin of the upper arm can become thinner and looser.
This poses significant problems in particular when trying to wear short sleeves. In addition, the volume of the arm can make it difficult to find tighter fitting clothing that is suitable for the torso, because of the nature of the designs.
Surgical interventions for arm reduction involve either just liposuction for a degree of volume control or also tightening of the arm skin.
Procedures designed to reduce the laxity of the skin in the arm may include removal of skin in the armpit, in the armpit and the upper arm, or along the length of the inner arm.
For most patients the goal will be to try and avoid visibility of any scars when the arms are bare, but unfortunately the current techniques are limited in this respect.
When the skin excess is very significant though, the simple fact of reducing the skin laxity makes it much easier to find suitable clothing.