Arm lift During your recovery

Following arm lift or arm reduction surgery, several measures are important to ensure a smooth recovery and an optimum result.


The elasticated garment provided at the end of the operation will need to be worn most of the time for the first 3 weeks.

It is also important to rest the hands elevated on pillows at night time and even when relaxing as this will decrease the chance of swelling in the hands.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are complications related to the anaesthetic and immobility around the time of the surgery.

It is very important to be mobile after the surgical intervention without spending excessive amount of time on your feet, so that the circulation in the legs is active. In some instances medication that thins the blood is also provided.

Physical activities

Return to work after arm lift surgery is typically at 10 to 14 days for office activities and approximately 3 weeks for more physical activities.

Return to exercises is approximately 3 weeks with a gradual increase in intensity such at around 6 weeks following intervention full intensity exercises can be resumed.


Antibiotics are provided for the first week, and it is advisable to take them together with probiotics to decrease the chance of antibiotic related and digestive upset.

If diarrhoea occurs from the antibiotics, it is important to stop the treatment and inform your GP or your surgeon so that suitable measures can be instituted.


Pain after arm lift surgery is typically moderate and controlled well by oral pain medication which is provided also on discharge.


The scars on the inner aspect of the arm and towards the armpit can become hypertrophic or keloid which shows as lumpy thickened scar.

As a preventive measure it is important to use taping and massage to scars, and if they do start to change and become thicker to bring this to the attention of your surgeon so that additional treatment can be instituted.

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