Buccal fat reduction During the operation

Buccal fat reduction is typically carried out either under a general anaesthetic, or local anaesthetic combined with intravenous sedation. Simple local anaesthetic is also possible but in most instances the level of discomfort associated with the surgery is significant, making this approach rather unsuitable.

During the operation, an incision is made on the inside of each cheek. The placement of these incisions be either higher, above the opening of the parotid duct or lower, below the level of the parotid duct and its opening.

Through these access incisions, through blunt dissection the surgeon advances toward the pocket of buccal fat which is typically aggregated primarily in the central part of the cheek but also has some ramifications up and down.

During the operation, the central part of the buccal fat is gently teased out and approximately 3-4 ml of the tattered tissue is removed.

It is important to restrict the operation to the amount of fatty tissue that comes out relatively easy, in order to avoid traction on the branches of the facial nerve which moves the facial muscles, as they can be injured.

Once the central part of the fatty tissue has been extracted, and haemostasis insured, the wound is closed with absorbable sutures.

The operation does not usually require any dressings and compression rarely necessary.

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