Buccal fat reduction The recovery process

In the after-care period for buccal fat reduction, the primary concerns are to protecting the wounds from pressure of the food to avoid the wound breaking open and an associated infection.

Soft diet

To this effect, soft diet during the first week is important and it does not mean restriction to intake of fluids, but encompasses also food that does not need to be chewed, like the food that can be put through a mixer.

Brushing the teeth poses some problems during the early stages as the toothbrush can easily bring too much pressure on the suture line. Because of this, it is preferable to use an antiseptic mouthwash four times a day in order to maintain oral hygiene.

Controlling infection

On discharge you will normally be prescribed a course of antibiotics that need to be used for the first week and it is advisable to combine them with probiotics to minimise the chance of an upset stomach. If diarrhoea occurs, the antibiotic treatment needs to be stopped immediately and you need to notify your surgeon or GP.

Managing pain

Painkillers are typically prescribed after the operation but most patients say that they have not needed them, as absence of tension in the tissues means that there is there is little pain or discomfort after the surgery.

In general terms, if there is pain in the early stages after the surgical treatment, it raises some concerns regarding the healing process and should be brought to the attention of your surgeon.


Swelling in the cheek area as after buccal fat reduction is rare and typically very limited. It may reflect an episode of bleeding. In most instances mild compression is sufficient and nothing else needs to be done.

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