Chemical peelAbout your skin

The appearance of the skin is an immediate messenger that tells about our age, health tiredness through problems like facial lines, uneven pigmentation blemishes and acne scarring. Chemical peels have been designed to try and address some of these problems by removing the outer layer of the skin which allows for the subsequent healing to improve the appearance.

The most commonly used chemical peels are alphahydroxy acids or trichloroacetic acid, and the treatment plan is tailored to individual needs.

Alphahydroxy acids

Alphahydroxy acids, including glycolic acid or lactic acid produce light, superficial peels, that will help wash the appearance of fine lines, areas of dryness and some problems related to uneven pigmentation. Because they are mild, typically they do not require a recovery period, but the principle is of repeat treatments. Most of the time they will be indicated on a weekly basis until the desired result is achieved.

Trichloroacetic acids

Trichloroacetic acid peels are stronger and they are typically used for a medium-depth peel. The treatment causes some swelling and crusting of the skin like a severe sunburn and recovery typically takes a week to 10 days.

Complementary use

Because of the importance of the appearance of the skin, for the facial aesthetic in general and the youthful appearance, chemical peels are often used to complement surgical rejuvenation using facelift. They are not a substitute for surgery, but rather a welcome addition in a number of cases.

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