Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
How much does a revision rhinoplasty cost?
Do you offer the hyaluronidase injection, how much does it cost?
How much will cost for nose reshaping?
I have done my nose once but I am not happy with the result.
Do you offer free consultations?
I wish to get rid of my nose implant. How much will it cost?
How much would it cost for a chin readjustment and a nose job?
I am making an enquiry as to whether or not you do the brazilian butt lift?
How much would it cost to dissolve some hyaluronic acid from my nose?
Is fat transfer used for treating rolling scars present on cheeks?
Could you let me know the price for a rhinoplasty and for the first appointment?
How much would it cost to slightly reduce both ears?
What is the price range for a mini neck lift?
I need to have upper and lower eyelift, please could you give me …
How much a revision rhinoplasty and breast enlargement would be?
I am thinking about having a lower face lift and a lower lid lift.
How much is a consultation appointment?
How much does it cost for a butt lift?
How much do you charge for a rhinoplasty and how much is a consultation?
After rhinoplasty, how long would it be until I would be able to go out looking normal?
What kind of price range is involved in an alar base reduction?
I am thinking about getting a nose job.
Do you offer finance options at all?
I want a nose job but I am scared on how it would look like.
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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