Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
How much does it cost for eye lid surgery (Blepharoplasty) with a local anaesthetic?
How huch would it be to get a nose job?
How much is it on average for a nose job?
How much is the average rhinoplasty? Also, do consultations go towards the cost of surgery?
I would like to know how much it costs for a nose job?
I was just wondering, how much a consultation would cost and if we could speak about rhinoplasty procedures?
How much a neck lift would cost?
I was wondering about the cost for a nose reduction.
I am interested in having the bags removed from below my eyes. Can you give me the estimated cost?
I'm a black female and have been very unhappy with my nose for years.
I have extra fat on around my nose. I want to know about surgery cost and procedure.
How much is a nose job and would I be able to pay monthly?
My nose is big and I want to make it smaller.
Which is the last price for nose job?
Could I have a price please for the breast augmentation?
I am considering having a face and neck lift and would like some guide as to your charges.
I'm 17 and I'm interested in rhinoplasty.
My nose is honestly getting me down ... how much is a nose job?
I wish to know the approximative cost to tighten up my uper eyelids.
I would like a quote for a near-as estimate as you can provide me with for the blepharoplasty please.
I would like to know an approximate price for a reduction rhinoplasty.
I was looking through your website for financial options. I would be interested in paying off my surgery.
If the surgery is not difficult, how much it will cost?
Do you think 18 if old anoght to have a nose job?
I would like to know your average cost for secondary rhinoplasty?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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