Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Cost Of Surgery FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Is there any offers for upper eyelid surgery?

I need a tummy tuck. I had two C sections and my stomach muscles are non existant.

How much a Brazilian Butt Lift would cost?

I would like to discuss the procedures and costs of 3D imaging associated with rhinoplasty.

Can chin reduction be carried out at the same time with rhinoplasty?

I am interested in seeing Mr Ion for a lower blepharoplasty consultation.

How much would it cost to have a nose surgery?

I am not able to afford breast surgery, could you tell me if I have any options?

How much approximately would a liposuction cost?

How much is buccal pad removal roughly?

I would like to know the average price for a fat transfer to reduce the hollow of my eyes?

How much is an apronectomy likely to cost?

How much would a fat transfer would cost?

How much does it cost for an arm lift?

I'm interested about the price for breast enlargement.

I am very interested to know about fat transfer from tummy to buttock and the cost of the procedure?

I'm interested in having breast augmentation and liposuction. How much in total would it cost for these procedures?

How much is the buccal fat removal procedure?

Do you have to pay for 3d consultation, as I would like to have some idea how will I look like after the operation?

I would like to have ear correction surgery. How much would this cost?

How much would it cost for a fat transfer from the flanks to the buttock region?

Can you please tell me how much you would charge for a buccal fat removal?

How much does fat filler injection treatment costs?

Do you have any finance options available for rhinoplasty?

Could you tell me the cost for an ear lobe reduction?

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757