Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Asked on 26 December 2011
I am 32 years of age and have terrible black bags under my eyes that I am looking for a cure for?
The presence of prominent lower eyelid bags in a young person such as you, is frequently a reflection of underdevelopment of the maxilla and lower rim of the orbit (eye socket) which means insufficient support to the lower eyelid.
Depending on the anatomical configuration, the answer can be:
Essentially, for a situation like this I would recommend a consultation using 3-D imaging and simulation in order to evaluate the type of change that best fits your aspirations, and then discussed regarding the type of treatment suitable to achieve it.
For guidance regarding prices for the more common aesthetic surgery procedures or combinations of procedures, please visit my website at
For procedures not listed there, kindly contact my practice either by telephone at 0207 486 7757 or by email at and my team will be delighted to assist you.
Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street
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