Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Dermal Fillers FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

I want to remove my dark circles permanently.

Is it safe for me to continuously have filler in the tip of my nose?

Do you perform non surgical nose reshaping?

I am dissatisfied with my mid-face region, the cheek bones in particular.

I am considering augmentation mentoplasty with Hyaluronic acid. What is the side effect of injecting hyaluronic acid?

I am curious to know whether it is possible to create a Roman nose?

I had tear trough juvederm fillers three years ago and still have a blue tidally effect under each eye.

Do you offer facial contouring with Juvederm or a similar fillers?

My eye has sunken tremendously due to taking narcotics in my youth, can it be reset?

I am keen to have my small turkey neck below my chin removed, my upper eyelids lifted and fat transfer to my cheeks and lips.

I have deep irregular tear troughs. I would like to have fat grafting. Is this possible?

Can I make nose reshaping with out surgery?

I had restylane in 2005 and this has left a lump.

I am 64 and the one thing that bothers me is cheek lines and jowls.

I had fillers to improve malar fat pads but it went wrong and now looks much worse.

I am looking at having facial implant surgery to chin, cheeks and jaw line.

Do you do non-surgical rhinoplasty, if so how much does it cost?

I was wondering if you offer hyaluronidase treatment to dissolve the filler.

Do you think hyaluronic acid to the inferior orbital rim could help bolster the lid and help regain the eyes shape?

I am interested in having a fat graft for my tear trough.

How long do the cheek fillers last and what is used?

Would Mr Ion be able to improve my chin neck area without a general anaesthesia?

Could cheek implants be a solution for me after suffering from morphea?

I have a mild retraction and was wondering if fat grafting could help?

I have very deep lines from prolonged use of steroid cream on my face as a child.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757