Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Cheek Implants FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Does the technique used for cheek augmentation prevent movement or cheek collapsing?

Please can you give me more info about cheek implants?

I am looking into corrective cheek augmentation as one of my cheekbones is rather sunken in relation to my eye, forehead and nose.

Is it advisable to have eyelid surgery before cheek implants?

I am looking at having facial implant surgery to chin, cheeks and jaw line.

Could cheek implants be a solution for me after suffering from morphea?

I am looking at getting a square chin implant together with a premaxillary implant.

I had an underbite but now I feel that my lower face is very prominent, I would like to have cheek implant surgery.

I believe I need malar facial implants as it seems undeveloped.

I am considering getting cheek implants.

How much does a cheek reduction cost?

Is there a cut off age for when you decide it is not practical to undergo a cheek lift?

I am interested in jaw angle implants.

I am interested in cheek reduction surgery for my asian girlfriend.

Can you give me a rough cost for malar implants?

Do you insert cheek or chin implants made of Porex?

I am interested in having rhinoplasty and cheek implants in one operation.

I had ENT cancer, can I still have cheek implants?

I want to reduce the bridge of my nose and nasal tip.

I've had a cheek lift but unfortunately I was left with a lump and now my cheek is sagging.

I am 32 years of age and have terrible black bags under my eyes.

I would like to have a facelift and cheek augmentation as my face is long and shapeless.

I am enquiring about cheek implants.

I am looking to have cheek implants, what implants do you use?

I am looking to have rhinoplasty and cheek implants in one operation.

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