Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Do you insert cheek or chin implants made of Porex?

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Asked on 08 July 2012


Do you insert cheek or chin implants made of Porex? I read they have less risk of infection but very difficult to remove if needed and can leave disfigurement if removed.

What is the chance that Porex would get infected years later and would a patient need antibiotics forever if getting dental work?


With regards to facial implants, I only use Medpor, which is now manufactured by Stryker, as the company has bought out this business from Porex (I'm not familiar with all the details of the change).

There are a number of differences between Medpor and silicone implants, in relation to the risk of infection, the possibility to treat infection around Medpor implants without obligatory removal, and absence of bone erosion under Medpor as opposed to silicone.

Presence or absence of disfigurement of the cheeks after removal of implants is not related to the implant material but rather to the size of the implant and the duration that it has been in for.

Removal of a cheek implants that is very large, or have been in for many years, during which the cheek has also undergone natural changes, increases the chance of deflation in the area and may be best carried out in association with fat transfer or a lift procedure.

Lucian Ion Cosmetic Surgeon Mr Lucian Ion FRCS(Plast)
129 Harley Street

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