Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I would like to know the advisability of male neck skin removal at 75 and the likely costs and recuperation time involved?
I have had extensive maxilliofacial surgery in the past and I have a 60mm scar on the right hand side of my neck.
Does the effectiveness of neck lift depend on muscles structure and age of patient to obtain a well defined jaw line?
I'm 22 years of age however would like a more structured jawline.
How can I lift my jaws and tighten around that area and neck at the age of 53?
Can you have a tummy tuck and lipo together with a lower face lift with neck lift and lipo?
I am keen to have my small turkey neck below my chin removed, my upper eyelids lifted and fat transfer to my cheeks and lips.
Could you tell me if there are any risks to the patients eyes if he has a lower face and neck lift?
I am 60 years old, would like surgery to my face, upper and lower eye surgery, neck and facelift.
Can I get a Cervicoplasty if I have capillary haemorrhage?
I would like to have lower face and neck lift which also called S Lift under local anaesthetic and sedation.
Do your clinics perform the mini facelift/neck lift?
I am considering a neck lift to give me a stronger jawline.
I have recently turned 40 and have become very aware of my neck starting to get loose.
My concern is that my chin and jaw seem to just blend into each other.
I had face and neck lift only one year ago and already the neck is becoming saggy.
I had a facelift, neck lift with liposuction and I have been left with a flabby neck with banding.
Could I combine a neck lift and a rhinoplasty?
I am 68 and I would like my jawline, neck and upper eye redefined.
I am a women of 52 years who is exploring the prospect of having a neck lift.
Is it possible to have blepharoplasty and neck lift in the same month?
Can you give me a comparison between trampoline neck lift and traditional neck lift?
I had a neck lift done three years ago and have not been well since.
I have loose skin on my neck, I would love if it could be a little tighter.
Is it possible to undergo facelift and neck lift with just local anaesthesia?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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