Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I have got a crooked septum and breathing difficulties. Can the NHS correct my septum?
Do you have any finance options available for rhinoplasty?
Can I have my nose reshaped even though it is broken and if so would it cost more?
I have had two rhinoplasty operations but still need some work. Do you take on secondary operations?
How old do you have to be to undergo rhinoplasty?
I want to get the bridge of my nose made a bit wider. What are the costs?
Can you please advise me regarding estimated healing time and costs for the nasal surgery?
I have suffered over the last few years with a mild form of rhimophyma. Can a normal nose job repair this?
Are you fixing a hanging columella under local anaesthetic?
I'm 16 and I want to straighten out the bump in my nose. Do I need to wait until I'm 18?
How much would it be for a reduction rhinoplasty and how long is the waiting list?
I am 16 at the moment, I would like to get the nose reshaped at 17, is this possible?
I am only 14 but I really want a nose job an ear correction. Will I have to wait until I am 18?
How old do you have to be to get Rhinoplasty surgery done?
Every now and then I get down because I think this is afecting my life style.
I'm interested in Rhinoplasty surgery especially to contour a tip of my nose. What would be an approximate cost?
I'm 16 and I am set on having a nose job. Would you be able to perfom rhinoplasty at this time?
Where can I get a nose job done and how much would it cost on average?
I would like to make an appointment for a rhinoplasty consultation.
Could a necklift, nose reshaping and ears correction be carried out at the same time, if so would this reduce the total cost?
I would like to know the costs for rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and tummy tuck?
I had a septorhinoplasty operation under the NHS but after the operation I knew some thing was wrong.
I am thirteen years old and want a nose job. How long do I have to wait to get one?
How huch would it be to get a nose job?
How much is it on average for a nose job?
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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