Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
How much would it cost for Kenalog injections?
I would like to have nose and chin reduction and a fat transfer to the face.
Can I get a rhinoplasty if I am 16 years old?
I want to reshape my nose, how much would that cost me?
I am interested in getting a reduction of the bridge of my nose to get rid of the bump.
I have a saddle nose and have been told that nothing can be done.
I want to get my nose reshaped but I am only 17.
I am looking to reduce the size of my nose.
After my last rhinoplasty, my nose seems to have changed significantly.
I am 5 months post op, is it to early to have consultation regarding my revision rhinoplasty?
I am 10 days after rhinoplasty but can't breathe well.
After 3 previous nose surgeries, my nose is still twisted, crooked, asymmetrical.
I am looking for alar batten surgery.
How much does a revision rhinoplasty cost?
When I come for my rhinoplasty consultation, do you require notes from my previous surgeon?
I'm 18 years old and I'm interested in possibly having rhinoplasty. However, I do not intend to have it until …
How old do you have to be to be able to have rhinoplasty?
If a rib graft was required for rhinoplasty would there be much scarring at the rib area?
How much will cost for nose reshaping?
My nose pulls down when I smile.
I have Bossae from a previous rhinoplasty, is this likely to get worse?
I have done my nose once but I am not happy with the result.
The projection of my nose is too large for my face.
Can you have septorhinoplasty on the NHS?
I had a septoplasty last year however my nose has become worse.
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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