Gynecomastia During the recovery
Following the surgical treatments for male breast reduction or gynecomastia, elasticated compression garment is often useful to reduce the swelling and help contour the treatment areas.
If drains are used after surgery, they are typically removed within a day or two after the operation. This corresponds to the open correction.
If the gynaecomastia involves liposuction treatment only, the scars are usually placed in the top of the armpit crease in the front. They are relatively small and inconspicuous.
More extensive skin reduction surgery will involve scars around the nipple and sometimes vertical from the underside of the nipple to the crease under the breast and possibly a horizontal scar in the crease under the breast. The scars can become red and lumpy although most of the time they will settle by themselves. On occasion treatment to improve the quality of the scar's may also be needed.
Antibiotics are routinely prescribed after this type of intervention, and usually carry on for the first 5 to 7 days.
On discharge, you will receive also medication for pain typically one moderate strength and one strong medication. You can adapt to your needs and indeed if you feel that pain medication is unnecessary you do not have to take it.
Physical activities
Return to work after gynaecomastia surgery is usually at 5 to 7 days. For more physical work it can take 2 to 3 weeks to feel comfortable.
Return to exercises usually advised around three weeks from the surgery building up such that at approximately 6 weeks from the intervention you should be able to carry out your normal level of activity and exercise.