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The anaesthetic is a source of risk with any type of surgery including male breast reduction but fortunately the level of risk is extremely low.
Bleeding is also a risk, common to all types of surgery, and in the case of gynaecomastia is more relevant with open correction, as it may prompt a return to the operating theatre. After liposuction bruising tends to be limited.
The risk of infection is approximately 1 to 2% with gynaecomastia correction and can happen despite the antibiotic treatment prescribed. If you have any doubts that infection may be occurring you should discuss your concerns with your surgeon without delay.
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are associated with the increased tendency to clotting that happens after surgery under a general anaesthetic. Mobilising early after the mastopexy surgery is an important measure to reduce this risk and is complemented by using compression stockings and sometimes medication that thins the blood.
Reduced sensation on the surface of the front of the chest or lateral aspect of the chest can be a result of liposuction, and is more typically temporary.
Pain after surgery of this type is usually limited, but there is a small percentage of patients that are prone to more prolonged or chronic neuropathic pain. This type of pain may require intervention of a pain specialist and dedicated medication.
Seroma formation is the situation where clear fluid collects in the treatment area and may require drainage. It is relatively rare after male breast reduction surgery.
Under-correction or over-correction of gynaecomastia is a possibility with both liposuction and open reduction. Over-correction is typically treated by further intervention to remove more breast tissue, and in general terms over-correction is more difficult to repair due to the tethering with scar tissue. For this reason it is better to be more conservative in the corrective treatment.
The scars after surgery are usually small and inconspicuous in particular when liposuction through the nipple is involved.
When more extensive skin resection is necessary the scar visibility is more substantial and sometimes requires treatment to improve its appearance.
Differences between right and left sides of the body are inevitable and apply also to the chest wall. During the surgery it is possible to aim for slight correction targeting an improvement of the symmetry but perfect symmetry is not really achievable.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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