Blepharoplasty Aesthetics
You eyes are probably your most important facial feature. People notice the eyes when interacting and it is shown to be the feature we focus on most. Their appearance and expression plays significant roles in how young, attractive, interesting, alert or energetic we appear to be.
Heredity plays an important role in the expression of the eyes and sometimes young people notice changes associated with more advanced ageing and find them problematic.
Facial proportions
Facial shape and development has a significant role to play in the appearance of the eyes. The depth of the eye sockets is considerably influenced by the development of the cheekbone and forehead.
Underdeveloped malar bones provide deficient support to the lower eyelids and can influence the appearance of lower eyelid bags even in the younger patients. An underdeveloped upper orbital rim can also have negative impact on the appearance of the eyes.
The ageing process
Sunlight and ultraviolet rays produce significant ageing to the area around the eyes, both through the direct effect on the skin but also by causing us to squint, which builds up muscle thickness just below the eyelashes.
As time goes by, the ageing process leads to weakening of the eyelid support and an impression of sagging of the skin around the lower and upper eyelids. Volume excess, both in the upper and lower eyelids can also become a problem.
Corrective surgery
Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can address many of these problems and create a fresher appearance around the eyes. It doesn't have the ability to completely eradicate eyelid creases. Attempts to do so through surgery place excessive tension on the eyelids, and problems due to over correction can be difficult to repair.
Blepharoplasty surgery has evolved substantially in the past 15 to 20 years, and a better understanding of the support and forces around the eyes have increased safety. A better understanding of the aesthetics has also led to improved patient satisfaction.
Upper eyelids
In the upper eyelids the tendency to remove volume (fatty tissue excess) has been associated with a hollow appearance of the eyes, which can make patients look more tired and can be avoided by accurate planning of the operation.
Lower eyelids
In the lower eyelids, better appreciation of the relationship between the cheek, the rim of the orbit and the eyelid shape and volume has allowed cosmetic surgeons to appreciate that youthful appearance the area is not purely a matter of removing fatty tissue and tightening the skin.
More complex adjustments in the position of the cheeks, the volumes over the rim of the orbit and position of the lower eyelids can be integrated in the treatment plan to the patient's benefit.