BlepharoplastyDuring the operation

Eyelid surgery can be carried out either under a local anaesthetic with intravenous sedation or under a general anaesthetic. Small interventions can also be carried out under local anaesthetic alone. The operation can be carried out as a day case procedure, or can be carried out at the same time as a facelift, in which case an overnight stay would be necessary.

Upper blepharoplasty

For the upper eyelid operation, the incision is placed in the natural creases of the upper eyelids, approximately 8-9 mm above the eyelashes, and will extend a little into the crow's feet area at the side of the eye.

Skin excess and mostly fatty tissue excess from the inner corner of the upper lid at the side of the nose is reduced.

In situations where significant fullness is also present in the outer half of the upper eyelid, a small amount of fatty tissue can be removed from that area too.

After the small blood vessels in the area are carefully sealed, the incision is sutured, typically using one continuous stitch.

Lower blepharoplasty

For the lower eyelid, the incision is made just below the eyelashes and runs for a short distance also in the crow's feet region.

The dissection follows under the lid tissues toward the cheek, and allows a proper evaluation of the volumes related to the lower eyelid and cheek.

During the operation, a light uplift of the cheek tissues creates a more youthful appearance of the cheek prominence and an improvement in the relationship between the lower eyelid and midface.

Finally, the skin excess is reduced conservatively and the incisions are also closed.

Scarless blepharoplasty

In situations where excess skin of the lower eyelid is minimal, and there are relatively few fine lines and wrinkles in the area, it is possible to perform the lower eyelid surgery without external scars. This intervention is known as trans-conjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty. It also allows for contouring of the fullness of the lower eyelids (lower eyelid bags) and a slight improvement in the position of the cheek tissues.

It can be complemented by improvement in the texture of the skin of the lower eyelid either using a chemical peel or laser treatment.

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