BlepharoplastyRisks and possible complications


As with any other type of surgery, there are uncertainties and risks associated also with blepharoplasty. Reporting any suspected problems early to your doctor allows for prompt intervention and speed up recovery.


The anaesthetic on its own has a low level of risk, whether it is general anaesthetic, local anaesthetic or local anaesthetic combined with intravenous sedation.


Bleeding after surgery is rare although bruising is common. A more significant bleeding around the eyes needs to be reported urgently as intervention may be necessary to avoid damage to the eye. Fortunately this risk is also extremely rare, and will be decreased by avoiding vigourous activity and aspirin.


Infection is a risk after any type of surgery, and antibiotics reduce the chance of an infection but do not eliminate it. Any suspicion of infection needs to be discussed with your surgeon as it may prompt a change of the antibiotics or conversion to intravenous treatment which is fortunately extremely rare.

Fluid collection

In some instances, a transparent sac of fluid develops and covers part of the white of the eye, primarily in the outer corner (chemosis). If this happens, it becomes a source of distress to the patients but fortunately in most instances it settles by itself using eye lubricants and massage.

Scratch of the cornea

A scratch of the cornea (the surface of the front of the eye) whilst not serious can be relatively annoying and may take several days to heal.


A degree of asymmetry is inevitable, but in the early stages after surgery it is be more noticeable and tends to reduce as the swelling diminishes and the tissues become softer.

Lower eyelid descent

In the early stages after surgery it is common for the lower eyelid to be slightly pulled down by the swelling and by the temporary weakness of the muscles of the lower eyelid. Typically, this settles within the first few weeks. Upward massage of the lower eyelids is important to control this problem. More significant lower eyelid descent is typically related to excessive removal of skin in order to achieve a smooth contour of the lower lids. It can be difficult to correct and it is one of the reasons why it is better to accept a moderate improvement in the area rather than try to achieve perfection.

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