Cheek implantsAesthetics

The development of the mid-face can have significant impact in the balance and appearance of the facial features. We often feel that people with defined cheekbone areas have strong or elegant facial features, and it is appealing to consider this type of harmonisation for the facial balance.

Development of the bone

An under development of the bone support in the mid-face and cheek prominence is sometimes associated with:

  • A downward slant to the eyelids
  • Lower eyelid bags that develop earlier than usual
  • An overall flatter, less defined appearance of the face

In some instances the problem is more extensive, and associated with an imbalance of the development of the upper and lower jaw. This is typically also combined with problems of the dental occlusion, and requires both a functional assessment and an aesthetic planning.

Integrated treatment

Integrated treatment from several specialists would be common for a situation like this, and in some instances cheek augmentation using implants is part of the process.


The materials used for augmentation can be either Medpor, silicone or Gore-Tex, but in some instances even bone or biological implants can be of help.

Alternative treatments

A smaller amount of volume augmentation in the cheek can also be achieved using injectable fillers or fat transfer, and these points would be discussed at the time of the consultation.

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