Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I am interested in buccal fat pad removal.
In which surgeries do you take anti embolic preventive measures?
I am interested in the cheek fat removal surgery.
For years I have had large legs and bottom, what type of surgery could give me help?
I was looking to lose fat in my face, chest, stomach and thighs.
How can I get reduction on my thighs?
I have chubby cheeks and the bottom half of my face is wider then the top.
I want to get rid of the excess skin on the lower abdomen and pubic area.
How much does a brazilian butt lift cost?
Is it possible to have a fat transfer if I had polio?
Can Vaser liposuction be done under general anaesthesia?
My pregnancy has left me with an apron that is so bad.
Can I have a cost estimate and surgery duration for under jaw balance surgery?
I have undifferentiated autoimmune disease, is fat transfer ok for me?
Do you use dissolvable stitches for facial liposuction and blepharoplasty?
How much is a brazilian butt lift?
I was just wondering how much would a Brazilian butt be exactly?
I have always had a flat bum and will like to have fat transfer to enhance my look.
I have lax stomach muscles after three children, any suggestions to reduce middle aged spread?
I am considering getting the Brazilian butt lift?
Is it possible to have a second tummy tuck to cut the scarred flesh and lifting flesh up to a new scar?
How much is fat transfer fom my abdominal region to my butt?
I take warfarin but am very unhappy with my buttock area. Am I able to undergo fat transfer?
My mother has significant amount of loose skin underneath her breasts and under arms.
How much fat on average, would you transfer to the buttocks providing the fat was available?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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