Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I have pigmented dark circles along with hollow eyes, what procedure is better for dark circles?
How many facial fat transfers have you done?
I am looking into having facial fat transfer.
Can you give me an estimated price for a fat transfer to my lower eye lids?
I had gynecomastia surgery which resulted in a smal concave area on one side.
Since I was 11 I have had extreme veins and a little bit of black bags under my eyes.
I would roughly like to know how much it would be to transfer fat from belly into the buttocks.
How much is a buttock lift transferring fat from the back and stomach?
I have recently noticed that my chin is asymmetric.
I have bags and wrinkles under my eyes I would like to get rid of it.
I had lower eye bags removal 3 years ago but no excess skin was removed.
I have thin lower legs, how can I make them bigger?
Being 29 is this to young to consider fat transfers and filler?
I would like to know about sliding genioplasty and buccal fat removal?
I would like to have fat transferred from around my tummy and waist to my hips and buttocks.
I have chubby face, what would be suitable, vaser liposelection or necktite?
Can you put fat into legs and does it work?
I wondered if fat grafting is something that is now done regularly in the UK.
I would like to have the fat transferred from my stomach to my bum.
I would like to make my bum bigger through fat grafting.
How much does the Brazilian butt lift cost?
How much is a fat transfer on the face?
I want to know the price for a face fat transplant?
I am interested in fat transfer from my body to my buttocks.
I have really dark circles / under eye bags. What could you suggest?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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