Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
If I had fat transfer into my breast, if I lost weight could I lose my breast size as well?
I want to transform my face into an oval one.
I would like a fat transfer from my stomach to my bum.
I have a serious case of dark circles, I would like to get rid of these.
My dark circles and hollowness is due to the thin skin under my eyes.
I have dark circles under my eyes, will the fat transfer hide them?
My chin is slightly square and does not make my face symmetrical.
Is it available for the fat to be transferred to your bottom and if so how much?
Because I am very slim, my cheeks are hollow and have no fat.
How much does a brazilian butt lift cost?
I would like to know the price for fat transfer to buttocks.
Is it possible to have a fat transfer if I had polio?
I am interested in fat transfer to buttocks and hips.
Which type of grafting method do you use and is it stem cell enriched?
What procedures are there to remove under eye dark circles?
I have hereditary cheek dents, can fat transfer help?
What is the price for smas facelift with perhaps a little fat transfer?
I have noticed really deep dimples on both buttocks.
I have undifferentiated autoimmune disease, is fat transfer ok for me?
Can you transfer fat from stomach to buttocks?
How much is a brazilian butt lift?
I have an hollow area towards the outer part of eye socket.
I was just wondering how much would a Brazilian butt be exactly?
I have always had a flat bum and will like to have fat transfer to enhance my look.
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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