Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I am interested in getting fat grafting to plump up my cheeks a bit. How much does this cost?
I have horrible black bags under my eyes. What can you suggest?
My cheeks and eyes are looking hollow. I am interested in a deep skin peel and a fat tansfer.
My legs are horrible, they are fat and on the shape of an arch. Is there any chance to make them look better?
I have very black deep dark circles. I look always tired. Can you help me?
I am intrested in tummy tuck and fat transfer to buttocks. I also want to know the rough pricing and if you offer finance?
How much would it cost to have a fat removal from my legs, tummy and arms?
I have dark circles under the eyes. Is a skin bleaching a good start or should I go for the IPL or injectable fillers?
I would like to know, if fat transfer can improve my appearance. Can I see the result with 3D imaging?
I'm only 16 at the moment but when I will be old enough I would like a fat transfer to make my breasts bigger.
I have facial asymmetry. When I smile it is quite noticeable as it is a pit on one side of my nose.
What is the cost of upper and lower eye bag removal?
I am a 43 year old lady who has lived in the sun for many years.
I am 43 and have noticed that the bottom of my face and jawline seem to have become fuller.
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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