Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Fat Transfer FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

How much is fat transfer fom my abdominal region to my butt?

I take warfarin but am very unhappy with my buttock area. Am I able to undergo fat transfer?

What is the cost for fat transfer to buttocks from tummy?

I have a big problem with dark circles under eyes, could fat transfer be done?

I am 32 years old and have hereditary severe dark circles.

How much fat on average, would you transfer to the buttocks providing the fat was available?

Do you perform laser resurfacing FaceTite as a procedure?

Do you offer the Brazilian butt fat transfer?

Do you do the fat transfer to hips surgery?

I am 29 and have noticed circles under my eyes.

I am very interested in having fat inserted into my breasts from my tummy or thighs.

My jaw line and cheekbones are not very defined.

I am interested in fat transfer to buttocks from tummy and back.

Do you insert cheek or chin implants made of Porex?

Do you carry facial feminisation out?

I am looking into fat transfer to fix a loss of facial soft tissue.

Can anything be done with my dark, tired, saggy, baggy lower eye contour?

What is the price to transfer fat to my face?

I am hoping to have tear trough treatment done as I have a shadow under my eyes.

I am 72 with slack jaws and many deep wrinkles on cheeks.

How much would it cost to transfer fat from my belly and back into my buttocks?

I have recently had a baby and no longer like my body.

I have a boxcar scar quite in the middle of my nose.

I would like to have nose and chin reduction and a fat transfer to the face.

I am interested in fat transfer to the calf region.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757