Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I had a septorhinoplasty operation under the NHS but after the operation I knew some thing was wrong.
How much is an apronectomy likely to cost?
Do you do malar bag removal/excision?
Are you able to perform surgery to reduce the size of a cleft chin?
I'm interested in jaw angle implants, can you give me a rough idea of the cost?
How much does the Brazilian butt lift cost?
Do you offer the hyaluronidase treatment and how much would your costs be?
How to remove dark circles under eyes?
How much would it cost for an earlobe reduction?
How much would it cost for Kenalog injections?
How much would the lateral brow lift cost please?
Do you do free consultation as I'm travelling from Newcastle?
What is the price for fat grafting for dark circles or hollow eyes.
I would like to find out how much is the cost for alar base reduction.
I have one eyebrow noticeably higher than the other.
Do you perform perioral mound removal?
Are you fixing a hanging columella under local anaesthetic?
The sides of my nose have kind of collapsed and the cartilage seems to be damaged.
I am interested in getting an ethnic rhinoplasty.
I have a really bulbous nose tip and my nose is quite large.
My son is 18 and has no definition between his neck and chin and his top lip projects slightly at an angle.
Do you do lip lift and what is the cost of the surgery?
How much does a revision rhinoplasty cost?
How much is a nose job and would I be able to pay monthly?
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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