Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I am very interested to know about fat transfer from tummy to buttock and the cost of the procedure?
How many fat transfer procedures to breast have you performed?
I am considering getting a fat grafting, could you describe the procedure?
Would a mid face lift correct crows feet?
How much would it cost for a fat transfer from the flanks to the buttock region?
How much does fat filler injection treatment costs?
My cheek fat has moved down and the upper face is so hollow. Would a facelift help?
I have dark undereye circles. Is there any treatment or plastic surgery option?
I have acne scarring and wondered if the obagi nu derm would be suitable for all areas?
I want to get the bridge of my nose made a bit wider. What are the costs?
I am looking into having fat transfer to the buttock area. Would I be a suitable for this surgery?
I am interested in getting fat grafting to plump up my cheeks a bit. How much does this cost?
I have horrible black bags under my eyes. What can you suggest?
My cheeks and eyes are looking hollow. I am interested in a deep skin peel and a fat tansfer.
My legs are horrible, they are fat and on the shape of an arch. Is there any chance to make them look better?
I have very black deep dark circles. I look always tired. Can you help me?
I am intrested in tummy tuck and fat transfer to buttocks. I also want to know the rough pricing and if you offer finance?
How much would it cost to have a fat removal from my legs, tummy and arms?
I have dark circles under the eyes. Is a skin bleaching a good start or should I go for the IPL or injectable fillers?
I would like to know, if fat transfer can improve my appearance. Can I see the result with 3D imaging?
I'm only 16 at the moment but when I will be old enough I would like a fat transfer to make my breasts bigger.
I have facial asymmetry. When I smile it is quite noticeable as it is a pit on one side of my nose.
I would like to consider the Alpha hydroxy peel. Is this adequate time for me to have meaningful treatments?
My nose seems to be getting weaker. I am 25 years old and have had no trauma to my nose.
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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